Commercial Door Lock Guide

Which one is right for you?

There are four typical commercial door locks.  Knowing which one to select depends upon the frequency of door use, door weight and application.  We can help you determine what will be the best for your door!

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  Cylindrical Locks

Cylindrical door lock


The most common commercial lock used because of it's versatility, ease of install, and affordable pricing.

Typical usage: Low & medium frequency doors (office, storeroom, restroom)

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Mortise LocksMortise door lock

Pivots are capable of carrying heavy loads because they transfer the weight of the door directly to the floor.  They are also often selected for their aesthetically pleasing appearance.  Pivots are capable of holding doors weigh 200 pounds up to 1,750 pounds.

Typical usage: Medium & high frequency doors and heavy doors (entrance, commercial buildings)

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Continuous HingesContinuous Hinge

Continuous hinges extend the full height of the door which helps distribute the weight of a door to the frame.  This reduces the strain and wear to the door and frame.  Continuous hinges are frequently used on retrofit applications because they can be surface mounted to the face of the existing frame and door.Typical usage: Medium & high frequency doors (entrance, commercial buildings)

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Door hardware can be confusing.  We can help!